Minister Theresia Bauer decreed that while continued restrictions are to be expected for most of the summer term 2020, teaching at the universities shall be continued - online.
Fortunately, our summer term mostly consists of theoretical lectures and seminars, which can easily be offered as video lectures, either with simultaneous or with post-hoc discussions of the material.
Even more important than in other years, the Ilias environment will be our central hub for teaching. You will find Ilias links to the respective courses in the course descriptions on our website ( The GTC offers an Ilias course template to support this change, but individual lecturers might prefer other solutions. Whatever the individual solution will be, the respective Ilias course serves as an entry gate to all our courses.
After a long waited for correction in the university's ALMA system, we are now updating our course information there. This is mostly only relevant for students beyond the GTC.
We did not yet decide on how to deal with exams - those that are still outstanding from the winter term and those to come. We would like to wait a bit longer before we decide as a partial lifting of the restrictions can be expected after April.
If you have any questions while you are travelling this bumpy road from real space to cyberspace, please contact us.