TNC Neurocolloquium - New in Tübingen Lecture - Nisha Mohd Rafiq

The cell biology of Parkinson‘s disease - Thursday, July 18th, at 16:15 (CEST).

The TNC presents the New in Tübingen Lecture:

Speaker: Nisha Mohd Rafiq (New group leader at the Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry (IFIB), Tübingen University).

Location: The cell biology of Parkinson‘s disease: a role for primary cilia and synaptic vesicle pleomorphism in dopaminergic neurons.

Lecture Hall HNO (Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik), Elfriede-Aulhorn-Str. 5, Tübingen and online. Please contact for the zoom login details.

Afterwards, there will be a Get Together with drinks and Butterbrezeln for everybody to enjoy.
