Mindful Science - Growing Up in Science with Prof. Philipp Hennig on Thursday, April 25th at 5pm

Growing Up in Science is a conversation series featuring personal narratives of being and becoming a scientist.

The Mindful Science initiative would like to invite you to the next Growing Up in Science with Prof. Philipp Hennig on Thursday, April 25th at 5pm.
Growing Up in Science is a conversation series featuring personal narratives of being and becoming a scientist.
At each event, Mindful Science invites professors or senior researchers to share their life stories with a focus on struggles, failures, doubts, weaknesses, and how they dealt with them.
The talk will be given both on Zoom and live at the lecture hall in the HNO Klinik (Elfriede-Aulhorn Straße 5, 72076 Tübingen).
To register, please use the following link: https://forms.gle/TQfjLjsCNZR5PZLX8

For more information about Growing Up in Science and Dr. Bedartha Goswami, check out the invitation! Feel free to share it with your colleagues.

Instagram: @mindfulscience
Twitter: @mindfulsci_tue
